GoGenius - Learn AI with an Ingenious Robot
Online AI, robotics & ML course for kids
Engage in hands-on learning by building
application-based projects using a robot.
Live Sessions
Live Sessions
Course Description
Learn robotics with AI with this online course curated for beginners. This AI and robotics course for kids enables them to understand the basics of robotics and AI and ML. Then, with the fun & interactive sessions, kids can visualize the code’s output and improve their problem-solving, critical thinking, and reasoning skills. From employing the RGB matrix to create colorful experiences s to making your own waste management system, this online course teaching robotics with AI promotes kids to do application-based projects and solve real-world problems. Throughout the course, we’ll be using an AI learning companion called Quarky. It is a palm-sized robot that enables kids to learn to code while making bots and having fun. In the end, kids get an AI and machine learning certification that boosts their profile and sets them apart from everybody else.
- Fun & Interactive sessions taught by expert educators
- A world-class curriculum designed to develop necessary 21-st century skills
- An online robotics, AI & ML course for kids helps them build interesting projects like weather monitoring system, waste management system, and much more.
- 6+ application-based projects, including live 1:1 tutor sessions
- Promote kids to build projects and engage in hands-on learning
Learning Goal
- Online AI and robotics course for kids that helps them evolve into future innovators by exploring further than just reading or learning about topics.
- Understand the basic concepts of AI, ML, and robotics and enhance the kid’s focus, directional sense, and creativity.
- Learn about assembly, construction, sensors simulation, basics of electronics, application of circuit designs, artificial intelligence, and much more.
- Improve critical thinking, computational & problem-solving skills by experiential learning while teaching kids about the ethics that should be followed while creating projects.

Lights, Display, Fun

Waste Management

Touch Sensors Working

Face Recognition

AI and ML made fun

Weather Monitoring
Enroll in the Course!
Personal Tutoring Sessions
- Lifetime access of the online course
- Quizzes & assignments
- Certificate of completion
- Duration - adjustable
- 14+ Customised live sessions
- 6+ Live Projects
Grouped Tutoring Sessions
expert educator while promoting peer-to-peer interactions.
- Lifetime access of the online course
- Quizzes & assignments
- Certificate of completion
- Duration - 6 weeks
- 14+ Live tutoring session (3-4 Kids)
- 6+ Live Projects
How To Start Journey to Experiential learning
Order the Quarky kit online, and our dedicated team will streamline the resources to make sure you get your learning AI buddy as soon as we can. You can make the payment through online safe & secure Netbanking or Card or Wallet options.
After you’ve ordered your Quarky, you just need to relax as our team ensures that the kit is shipped directly to you with all the parts inside a box of fun. Next, you just need to check whether your child has a laptop to kickstart his/her coding journey.
We’ve included all the instructions for logging in and getting access to the Online 1:! Course for free. To get a personalized 1:1 session with an expert educator, you must purchase the personalized course option. So start having fun while learning.
Yes! The AI and ML online course has been prepared so that kids and beginners of all ages can dive into the world of artificial intelligence and machine learning. We’re covering the basic concepts of AI and ML using Scratch so that kids don’t miss out on fun while learning all the necessary 21-st century skills.
Our online AI course for kids helps them learn the basics of artificial intelligence in a fun & hands-on manner. Using interactive curriculum and application-based projects, we ensure that kids enjoy to their fullest while actively learning. And not to forget, learning AI and ML gives kids a competitive edge in a tech-ruled future, puts them ahead of their competition, improves creativity, and empowers them.
Not at all! Coding or not, anybody who’s ever wanted to enter the Matrix or have a life like the Jetsons is welcome to take the AI online course. In fact, you’ll get to learn coding basics as well along the way! Pretty cool, huh? 😉
All you need for the course is a laptop with PictoBlox, a stable internet connection, and your AI Buddy. Our AI and ML courses for kids help them develop the necessary 21-st century skills so they can employ the power of technology to create big ripples in the world. After all, we aim for excellence, don’t we?
The prices mentioned are exclusive of the robot kit which is worth ₹5000. You may ask your teacher regarding the same or book a trial class to know more. Great learning tinkerers!