Consider your origins: you were not made to live as brutes, but to follow virtue and knowledge.
Dante Alighieri
In the search for purpose, a better future, and better life, we often forget that the main goal of living is to learn and grow. When a person invests in himself, his horizons of understanding widen, and he prospers into a better version of himself. But in order to do that, he must not ask about the to-do list of things he should do to be wiser; instead, he should look for skills and knowledge that equip him.
If we were living in the medieval era, these skills would’ve been learning how to start a fire, make a harrow, hunt wild animals, make clothes out of animal skin, and much more. But in modern times, these skills include being tech-savvy, understanding how social media works, taking advantage of online sources, and whatnot.
But aren’t we constantly bombarded with so much information and platforms already? We have tons of articles talking about how we can use AI to make the educational experience even more immersive and how AI can be a gamechanger; then why should you read our blog? For starters, GoGlobalWays have been set up and run by scholars from leading universities whose extensive experience in the educational field can help you fulfill your purpose much better.
These professionals have dealt with various situations, demographics, and hurdles, and we’ve concentrated all this information. But before diving into the complex stuff, let’s understand why you need to integrate AI and robotics into your curriculum in the first place.
These are just a few benefits children gain from learning these skills. Coding and AI count as the skillset of the future. The introduction of ‘first-gen computers’ revolutionized the market and took away jobs for millions. Families were affected, and people were left distraught. All of it taught us a lesson that one must always keep up with this fast-paced world. Updating your skill set and knowing about technology will only allow kids to view the situation more logically and pave their own way amidst the chaos.
What’s the big deal?

The classic saying “don’t jump from the roof just because your friends are doing so” stands true here, and we support it strongly. Taking any decision in life requires analyzing the situation and understanding your needs to gauge your position.
Similarly, you shouldn’t implement AI education in your school/classroom just because we or someone else is telling you to do so. Instead, it would be best to do it after evaluating your needs and the benefits you’ll gain from introducing AI in your classroom.
Here are a few benefits your students will gain after learning about coding, Python, AI, robotics, IoT, and technology in general:
- Automation is the future: Why are we saying this? Because we’re slowly moving towards a future where manual work will be replaced with automated machine work so that people can focus on more productive and valuable tasks. Learning AI will help kids create their bots and programs to run manual tasks to put their energy into more impactful work.
- Stay ahead of the competition: Isn’t it what we all want? A better career, bigger paychecks, and peaceful life. The GLOBAL dream of all students and learning about AI and other cutting-edge technologies help set kids apart from their competition.
- Empowering the young ones: Every individual has their own goals, dreams, and struggles. Coding and AI are two tools that help individuals reach out to the world and present their ideas, projects, and much more. It empowers them! With the help of enticing videos, websites, programs, applications, etc., the child can make the world their playground and their dreams come true.
- Complement their career: You might be surprised, but even the most non-tech fields leverage automation, coding, and machines in general to produce desirable results. Don’t believe us? Ask any biologist, economist, designer, content creator, entrepreneur, etc., out there and talk to them about how AI has an incredible impact in their respective fields. Click here to book a demo class with our STEAM expert and find out how we help kids excel in various careers by learning the necessary 21-st century skills.
- Fueling systems with AI and Data: You must have heard or read a lot about how metaverse, the third generation of web and big data, is the new HIT. And most certainly, you don’t want your students to miss out on this big revolution or not to understand how this new revolution can change the face of humankind for decades. So it’s crucial that your students can grasp things so they can leverage these new-age technologies to make their dreams come true.
- Training the brain: Studying and completing your education is a grueling process. It drains the students, and appearing for entrances like JEE, NET, JRF, etc., requires them to be sharp, learn how to be a problem-solver, and have excellent reasoning skills. How do you develop these skills from a young age? Learning AI and coding help them to prepare for this process at their own pace. Book a consultation class with us to find out how we help your kids get ready for these entrances in advance.

These are just a few benefits children gain from learning these skills. Coding and AI count as the skillset of the future. The introduction of ‘first-gen computers’ revolutionized the market and took away jobs for millions. Families were affected, and people were left distraught. All of it taught us a lesson that one must always keep up with this fast-paced world. Updating your skill set and knowing about technology will only allow kids to view the situation more logically and pave their own way amidst the chaos.
Technologies We Teach
You reap what you sow. What a beautiful phrase! Often people use it with a negative connotation but we must not forget about its spot-on practicality. Enrolling your students or implementing a curriculum or program in your school requires you to have an in-depth understanding of the offerings of the program, its benefits, and its long-term implications. To do that you must know about the technologies we teach in our STEAM programs, classes, courses, curriculum, and workshops.
Scratch and Python coding classes
AR and VR

App Development classes

Web Development classes

AI & ML classes

Robotics classes

Arduino classes

3D Printing classes
- Scratch & Python Classes: Who said grown-ups can have all the fun? When it comes to coding, Scratch is an incredible language to learn as a beginner. And so is Python! We usually begin with Scratch basics, move on to Scratch advanced concepts, and eventually learn Python. Both of these languages have an easy-to-learn syntax, and their appeal lies within the comfort it offers to its users.
- AR & VR Classes: Life can be prettier when you embrace the fun of technology. At GoGlobalWays, we go above and beyond to empower our students with the knowledge of the latest technologies, including AR and VR. The skill taught in this class is an “in-demand course,” as we’re already aware of how the new internet age will offer much more than just textual and visual immersion. Learning about it in the initial stages can do wonders to the student’s career trajectory.
- App & Web Development Classes: As of now, millions of apps help you perform various tasks just by tapping and clicking. Some of them do not only have a positive effect on our society but also contribute significantly to the developers. Learning how to develop apps can help kids spread their message to the world and realize their purpose in life. The same applies to building your websites and hosting them.
- AI, ML & Robotics Classes: These three technologies have the power to change the fate of humanity, and mastering them will help students work on real-world projects that can propel them towards a very bright future. We’ve field experts that teach these technologies with the help of hands-on learning and application-based projects. We’ve also integrated an ingenious robot named Quarky to make classes more fun, interactive and educational.

- Arduino & 3D Printing: Tinkering is just a concept until you see the magic in these classes. We bring projects to life, and young minds get fuelled with creativity, innovation, and enthusiasm. Although hands-on learning is at the core of all of our courses and classes, we make an unrealistic exception with these technologies. The classrooms chirp and beam with innovative ideas as kids create and run their projects.
Collaboration At The Crux Of The Program

AI-Lab Setup
Our team of skilled professionals will not only help you set up an AI lab in your institute, but they’ll provide round-the-clock assistance for a smooth setup. We’ll provide you with software and hardware support per the discussed plan.
Teacher Training
For the boat to sail, the sailor must be equipped with the necessary skills, training, and exposure, right? Thus, we offer training sessions for educators to imbibe all the knowledge related to the programs and curriculum. They’re allowed to create projects to have an in-depth understanding of the technologies and concepts, preparing them to take interactive classes.
Our Offerings
End-To-End NEP Implementation
Keeping up with the requirements of the educational policies can be a difficult task, especially the technical aspect of it. But don’t worry; we take away that burden for you by formulating our curriculum, lesson plan, and programs to follow an end-to-end implementation of NEP.
In-House AI & STEAM Activity
Nobody hates fun, but what if we can make the old and boring STEAM lesson fun with tons of hands-on activities? Sounds like a dream for every student. Introduce in-house AI and STEAM activities in your classrooms using our carefully crafted kits, lesson plans, and educator assistance to turn your classrooms into an educational Adventureland.
World-Class Curriculum
The world needs skilled innovators, and we empower young minds to be one with our carefully crafted STEAM curriculum. It encompasses lessons on new-age technologies like Python, AI, IoT, Robotics, and much more. It was designed by scholars from leading universities boosting the three C’s of learning- Creativity, Curiosity, and Capacity.
Interactive Virtual Classes
Learning can have incredible benefits if it’s done using regular lessons and our interactive virtual classes help accomplish this purpose. We’ve expert educators teaching complex concepts in a lucid manner while promoting peer-to-peer learning with hands-on activities.
Our short-term workshops and seminars can be an incredible way of introducing your students to new technologies. Whether you want your students to learn about robotics, AI, or IoT, we’ve got a carefully devised program that covers the basics and applications of that technology.
Summer/Winter Camps:
A well-deserved break can be great, but an educational learning experience without added pressure sounds like an excellent vacation plan, right? Our summer and winter camps help students utilize their holidays to their best potential and boost their skillset.
Our Mission

There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
At GoGlobalWays, we’ve embraced lifelong learning, and as our founder, Dr. Nidhi Sharma, says, “Life in itself is an art of learning; learning how to live, strive, struggle, stay content and pay respect to us and those around us.” Our ultimate goal is to make STEAM education available to all the kids at an affordable price through an easily accessible platform.
We have created a wide array of courses that complement all types of beginners’ needs and empower them with the knowledge of the latest technologies. Our annual proprietary STEAM ladder has been created after hours of self-learning, articulation, editing, and revisiting the material. We’ve consulted various scholars from leading institutes like IIT, NIT, etc., to create our world-class curriculum.
GoGlobalWays is not just an educational platform; it’s a dream for all of us. And it’s a family that internalizes the bitter-sweet journey of pushing the boundaries and aiming for excellence. Our students have performed extraordinarily in their academic and extracurricular activities, and we’re constantly expanding our family.
In A Nutshell
AI implementation is the necessity of these times. Teaching your students about the latest technologies not only equips them with the necessary 21-st century skills but enables them to navigate through the world confidently. And not to forget that what we’re anticipating is a tech-ruled future! To excel, you need exposure and knowledge of these technologies. Doing so on your own can be difficult, but employing a system or team of professionals who have not only done it in the past but also excel at it will help you focus on more productive tasks.